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Stephen Powlesland




Paintings. Poems. Essays.






Not titled

What I hate about the street
is its callous concrete cold.

what I love about the Queue.
is its rules & regulations.

What I hate about the train
is its screaming blue madness.

What I love about the shops
is their scary tinned poison.

What I hate about the nabbers
is there empty lager cans.

What I love about home
is it is outside the universe.


My things to do list


My things to do list
is a time, space anomaly
Like Mr Muscle Foamer.
Pads out the multiverse.
Flares like a supernova
in my living room light socket
& tips the ashes
of my endeavour
in to a black hole.

My things to do list
is the dark side of the force,
waging unjust war on the union.
A rag tag wagon line
of technopagan spocks & sky workers.
Picking off the stragglers
as they struggle across
the ink blot of space.

My things to do list
is an uncaring god. Horizontal
on a chaste lounge, on Olympus.
Eating grapes from the cleavage
of a virtuous virgin
& not receiving my prayers
for mercy & some
spare time to rest
& to watch TV.

My things to do list
is a bad bearded bandedo
with knife glint teeth
& a gang of desperadoes,
who steal away the women
& demand money
with menaces
& the man with no name
is nowhere to be seen.

My things to do list
is unrequited love
for the squires daughter,
who is to marry a rich merchant,
but sometimes she looks so sad
& I would make her happy
If only I was not
a horrid hunchback bell ringer
& an idiot to boot. 


My things to do list
is a spider. So small
that it could drown
in a single drop of water
& I rescue it
from the bath,
knowing full well
that it will only starve,
or freeze in the winter.

Blink and you'll miss it

I am the cat that curiosity killed.
I am the blood that was needlessly spilled.

I am the gift horse whose mouth you look in.
I am the fifth & the seventh deadly sin.

I am the king of all that I survey.
I am the bad debit that you just cant pay.

I am the second wrong that couldn’t be a write.
I am the darkness before the daylight.

I am the dish that ran away with the spoon.
I am the darkest side of the moon.

I am the time that space couldn’t bend.
I am the gift that no one will send.

I am the lamp post that you turn right at.
I am the owl who loved the pussy cat.

I am the man who said the Titanic couldn't sink.

​I am the horse who was led but wouldn't drink.

I am the cat who looked at the queen.
I am a midsummer night's cold & wet dream.


My spirit is broken
my hair's falling out.
The commute to London
they knock me about.

Emergency repairs
the circle is out.
My head is in crises
my spirit has gout.

My boss is a dragon.
my PC is broke.
Fat bloke got promotion,
his work is a joke.

My back is a demon.
my swivel is broke.
The afternoon meeting
then off for a smoke.

Commute out of London.
The rush hour's mad.
my head is a demon,
my spirit is sad.

Another day over.

Some chips in a bag.
my taste buds are broken.
my diet is bad.

The radio tunes out.

The TVs a joke.
The phone rings not often.
My friends are all broke.

My life & its style.
My trials & my tastes.
My hopes & my passions.
It's all such a waste.


Late at night

Its late at night
the streets are sad
the lamp posts are crying.

There is a rhinoceros
in my bath tub.

Saffron stains
on my clean white jacket
like oily city sunshine
tainting freshly fallen snow.
Fried eggs
& chip pan fumes
until my skin feels
parched & bloated.
Another day.
A thirty minute break
for red jelly
& ice cold drinking water.

Make friends with a police officer

Make friends with a police officer.
Canoodle with a copper.
Frolic with the filth.
Give a buzz to the fuzz.
Relate to a rozzer.
Be taken with the bacon.
Have a talk with the pork.
Don’t be a meanie to the sweeny.
Give a thrill to the old bill.
Make friends with a police officer.

February 2007

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